Gynaecological Examination 2

Gynaecological Examination-2

The primary objective of the prophylactic gynaecological examination is to provide a comprehensive assessment of a woman’s gynaecological health. Performed by a gynaecologist, this examination is typically scheduled in the first few days after the regular menstrual period. It is recommended that women plan and schedule a gynaecological check-up once per year, or more frequently if necessary. Due to the sensitive nature of the examination, it is advisable for ancillary medical personnel to be present during the procedure to ensure comfort and support.

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A standard gynaecological examination at Plodnost Hospital is typically conducted on a gynaecological chair and includes several key components:
Examination of the Vulva:

  • The external genitalia are carefully inspected to identify any signs of abnormalities, infections, or other issues.

Examination of the Cervix with a Speculum:

  • A speculum is used to visualise the cervix, allowing the gynaecologist to inspect for any abnormalities or signs of disease.

Assessment of Vaginal Discharge:

  • The vaginal discharge is evaluated through microscopic and/or microbiological examination. This helps in identifying any infections or microbial imbalances that may require treatment.

Колпоскопија (опционално):

  • A colposcopy may be performed to provide a more detailed view of the cervix and vaginal walls. This procedure is particularly useful for detecting abnormalities that are not visible to the naked eye.

PAP Smear (Optional):

  • A PAP smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. It is typically performed during the examination to detect any precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix.

Digital Assessment of the Cervix, Uterus, and Adnexa (Optional):

  • The gynaecologist may perform a digital examination to assess the cervix, uterus, and adnexa (ovaries and fallopian tubes) for any abnormalities or irregularities.

Transvaginal and Transabdominal Ultrasound (Optional):

  • Ultrasound examinations, either transvaginal or transabdominal, provide detailed images of the reproductive organs. This helps in diagnosing conditions such as cysts, fibroids, and other gynaecological issues.

Why Choose Plodnost Hospital for Your Gynaecological Examination?

At Plodnost Hospital, we offer a full range of gynaecological examinations to ensure a comprehensive assessment of your gynaecological health. Our consultations are performed by trained professionals in a comfortable environment using high-quality medical equipment. Here are some reasons to choose Plodnost Hospital for your gynaecological care:

Искусен и квалификуван персонал:

  • Our team of gynaecologists, nurses, and support staff are highly trained and experienced in all aspects of gynaecological health.

Современи медицински капацитети:

  • Користиме најнова медицинска опрема и технологии за да обезбедиме најдобра можна нега.

Персонализирани планови за нега:

  • Each patient receives a tailored care plan based on her unique medical history and needs.

Удобна и поддржувачка околина:

  • We strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our patients, ensuring they feel supported and cared for throughout their visit.

Scheduling Your Gynaecological Examination

For more information about the possibilities of performing a prophylactic gynaecological examination at Plodnost Hospital, or to make an appointment, you can contact your doctor or call our registration desk. Our team is here to support you and ensure your gynaecological health is comprehensively assessed and maintained.


Специјалисти гинеколози акушери:

Prim. D-r Tashe Trpchevski

Прим. д-р Таше Трпчевски

Специјалист гинеколог - Субспецијалист за стерилитет и инфертилитет

Медицински Сестри - Инструментарки

Zaneta Veselica-Stefanovska

Жанета Веселица Стефановска

Медицинска сестра

Aneta Joshevska-Damchevska

Анета Јошевска Дамчевска

Одговорна мед. сестра

Meri Mihevska

Мери Михевска

Медицинска сестра

Sonja Aleksovska

Соња Алексовска

Медицинска сестра

Maja Miloshevska

Маја Милошевска

Медицинска сестра

Emilija Srbinovska

Емилија Србиновска

Медицинска сестра

Nikolina Risteska

Николина Ристеска

Медицинска сестра

Marija Andonovski

Марија Андоновски

Медицинска сестра

Медицински сестри - Акушерки

Merlinda Drala

Мерлинда Драла

Медицинска сестра

Nadica Neshkovski

Надица Нешковски

Медицинска сестра

Jasmina Bozinovska

Јасмина Божиновска

Медицинска сестра

Aleksandra Dimovska

Александра Димовска

Медицинска сестра

Fiona Kelja

Фиона Клења

Медицинска сестра

Irena Talevska

Ирена Талевска

Медицинска сестра

Hristina Bumbaroska

Христина Бумбароска

Медицинска сестра

Martina Karanfilovska

Мартина Каранфиловска

Медицинска сестра

Dijana Boshevska

Дијана Бошевска

Медицинска сестра

Sonja Fuzevska

Соња Фузевска

Медицинска сестра

Zaneta Vasilevska

Жанета Василевска

Медицинска сестра

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