30 Gusht 2022

This method is already adopted in our hospital and is only used here in Macedonia. In patients with cancer of the genital organs, in the specific case cancer of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus), latest trend is removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries and lymph glands in the pelvis (pelvic) and outside the pelvis (para-aortic and paracaval), by laparoscopic way. This way, the lymph glands are mapped and the stage of the disease is determined.
“We apply this method in patients with low and high risk degree. In this particular case, the patient was 64 year-old, had high blood pressure and overweight. This procedure, in addition to the skill of the surgeon to remove the lymph nodes, also requires expensive laparoscopic equipment with a 4K camera that uses IR rays. We have such equipment. The patient only has three small cuts on her stomach, half a centimeter each, and she left the hospital on the third day. The same evening on the day of the operation, she was mobilized. This is the latest trend in the world.” says Dr. Hristijan Trpcevski, young but very experienced and skilled laparoscopist.
See a short insert from the course of the operation at the link below:
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy With Icg For Endometrial Cancer
Watch short version of the performed surgery on our YouTube channel: