15 Maj 2022

Paraovarian cyst (next to the ovary) was successfully removed in a young girl at Hospital Plodnost. This is a very typical case. The girl had laparoscopic puncture, i.e., draining the fluid from the cyst, elsewhere two months ago.
“The patient came to us in pain with a ultrasonography finding of 14-centimeter paraovarian cyst.”
“During exploration, the massive cyst was fused to the intestines and the omentum. Extensive adhesion and deliberation of the intestine is performed, after which the cyst is displayed. Two liters of fluid are extracted. A total cystectomy with ovarian conservation was performed, as the patient has not given birth yet.”
“This was a really difficult and extensive laparoscopic operation, due to the collision with the intestines, but in our hospital, this is already a routine. Previously, in similar procedures, larger cysts of up to 25 centimeters with 4-5 liters of fluid, have been removed.” said our laparoscopy expert, Dr. Hristijan Trpcevski after the procedure.
The patient left the hospital the very next day.