Për të gjithë pacientet që janë shtatëzënë këtë verë. Mposhtni nxehtësinë!

Pregnancy can make summer look even warmer.
🔄But following a few simple guidelines can make you feel much fresher.
☀️Heat and humidity, although uncomfortable for most people, carry more weight on pregnant women.
🥵”Heat intolerance”
Kur jeni shtatzënë, temperatura e trupit tuaj tashmë është pak më e lartë se normale, kështu që temperatura e jashtme me siguri do t’ju bëjë të ndiheni edhe më pak rehat.

Dr. Kristinka Pajakovska advises expectant mothers to pay attention to the warnings for days when we have heat waves.
1️⃣If the heat index is in the orange phase, then you should be as indoors as possible with air conditioning on. Applying a damp cloth to the back of the neck, forehead or top of the head is also a simple way to lower body temperature.
2️⃣Due to the fact that more fluids are lost in the summer, be sure to get enough fluids, adds Dr. Kristinka Pajakovska.
Squeezed lemon water is always the best choice, but also orange juice, milk and drinks, which replace the electrolytes lost during sweating are also good hydration supplements for pregnant women. 💦
❗️Beware, too much water can be a problem as well as too little water.
Excessive hydration with water can further dilute your electrolytes and cause muscle fatigue and cramps.
If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated, adds Dr. Kristinka Pajakovska, so make sure you drink enough fluids throughout the day.
3️⃣Cool off when you are out at the pool or beach 🏝
Not only does swimming cool you down, it also helps you lose some of your sciatic nerve weight.
Wear clothes made of natural material so that you do not sweat; this will cool you down and help prevent heat rashes that can develop under the breasts and abdomen (a common problem for pregnant women).
Avoid direct sun exposure, as pregnant women are more prone to sunburn.
Use a sunscreen with a high protection factor.
Enter indoors at the first sign of weakness, fatigue, dizziness, dizziness or excessive thirst. Drink cold water or electrolyte replacement fluid.
If you do not feel better soon, call your doctor.
4️⃣Breathing is also an important factor in the summer days. Breathing releases heat, so make sure you have a good breathing rhythm (some people breathe either too fast or too slow), if you already have trouble breathing due to allergies or asthma, stay indoors.
5️⃣Another common problem with summer pregnancies is swelling of the legs – called physiological edema.
Lie down for 30 to 60 minutes a day, either at the end of the workday or during lunch.
Keep your legs raised while you sleep, placing a wrapped towel or blanket under the mattress at the foot of the bed.
Wear comfortable shoes and if possible, wear a spare pair of shoes that are half the size of your usual size.
Take a walk two to three times a week in the evening during the day.
Remove jewelry to prevent swelling.
❗️🧂Reduce, but do not eliminate salt from your diet. Salt contains iodine, an essential element for fetal health.
Do not take any diuretics. Diuretics can cause electrolyte loss, which can endanger the fetus.
If you follow all these tips, says Dr. Kristinka Pajakovska, you will very well be able to ignore the heat and return to enjoying the excitement while waiting for the arrival of your baby👶🏻