Многу земји и авиокомпании бараат од поединците да направат тест за COVID-19 PCR пред да патуваат. Обезбедуваме PCR тестови за COVID-19 со PCR патни сертификати/сертификати Fit-to-Fly во рок од 24 часа од пристигнувањето на вашиот примерок во нашата лабораторија.
Accredited PCR Test Provider by Ministry of Foreign Affairs listed on mfa.gov.mk website as a coronavirus testing provider. Link below.
A simple throat swab is taken by one of our staff nursing team specialists in one of our COVID test centers. You will receive your results before 7.30PM the next day. If you book an appointment before 12.30 pm, you will get the results the same day.
Working hours for Covid test center Mon-Fri 08:00am-7:00pm and Sat 08:00am-1:00pm. Sunday closed.
Key Points
*If you book an appointment before 12.30 pm, you will get the results the same day.
Read more on the Government website for up to date information on which test is valid for a certain country and for how many hours. The link below https://www.mfa.gov.mk/mk/page/1706/covid-19
ул. Асном бр.9
Битола, Северна Македонија
+389 (0)76 208 880
Пон-Пет 8:00-19:00 & Саб 08:00-13:00