A newborn's first bath is a special moment! At Plodnost Hospital, the first bath is done in a pleasant environment with water at a temperature of 36-37°C, which is most suitable for the baby's delicate skin.
A newborn's first bath is a special moment! At Plodnost Hospital, the first bath is done in a pleasant environment with water at a temperature of 36-37°C, which is most suitable for the baby's delicate skin.
Today is a special day in the history of our hospital! With great joy, we share our new record – currently, there are 24 newborns in the neonatal department.We are proud that for the first time we have achieved such a success and that we have the opportunity to be part of the happiest moments in the lives of so many families. We are pleased to announce that all babies and their mothers are in excellent health. The expansion of our hospital has allowed us to have the capacity and resources for such moments, where love and life are celebrated in such large numbers.
With great courage and love, the mother brought three little angels into the world, on a day that symbolizes love, family and togetherness. She is in excellent health, overjoyed and grateful to have brought such a blessing into the world.
Fototerapinë më së shpeshti e aplikojmë pas 24-48 orëve të para. Drita blu ndihmon në heqjen e bilirubinës së tepërt dhe foshnja rifiton shkëlqimin e tij natyral rozë dhe pamjen e shëndetshme brenda 1-2 ditësh.
Sot në mëngjes, në orën 07:32, ekipi kujdestar në Spitalin Plodnost, i udhëhequr nga doktor Vladko Gjorgjievski, solli në jetë të porsalindurin e 700-të në vitin 2024.
At Plodnost Hospital, mothers are given great attention in terms of learning how to breastfeed properly, how to hold the baby’s head, how to properly position the breast, and everything else that is necessary for the first steps in this important procedure for both mother and baby. The time for the first breastfeeding is immediately after birth if the baby was born naturally, or the next day if it was a cesarean section. It is very important to start breastfeeding correctly. Therefore, our medical staff and nurses are constantly in consultation with mothers and help them to establish initial contact with the baby and start the breastfeeding process correctly.