26 Korrik 2022

Laparoscopic surgery and hysteroscopic operations are more frequent at Hospital Plodnost. In 85% of cases, we have replaced classical surgery with laparohysteroscopy operations, which are more difficult for the doctors to perform, but provide greater benefits for patients. Hospitalization lasts from a few hours to a maximum of two days, which means that patients’ recovery is shorter and they can return to work more quickly.
“Last week was very dynamic at Hospital Plodnost. 10 hysteroscopic and 12 laparoscopic surgeries were performed to remove ovarian cysts, 4 of which ended with total removal of the uterus. In one case, a complete removal of the lymph glands in the small pelvis for endometrial cancer. There was also one unusual laparoscopic pectopexy – lifting the vaginal walls for the pectineal ligament of the pubic bone in a patient with so-called Vault prolapse, after classical hysterectomy.”
“We will inform you more about this operation, which in Macedonia is only performed here and in a few advanced laparoscopic centers abroad, as the latest method for which initial experiences are still being gathered. We are waiting for the outcome of the patient’s recovery. The first two were excellently corrected. There are very few publications of this type of operation in the world and initial experiences are being collected. If we have a higher frequency, our contribution will be significant” said Dr. Hristijan Trpchevski, head of the endoscopic surgery department.