9 Maj 2022

The Association of Nurses, Technicians, Midwives and Dental Nurses “Za nas” (“For Us”), decided to start celebrating this year’s International Nurses Week from Bitola and the host of this event was Hospital “Plodnost”, which is proven leader in IVF procedures, surgeries and great delivery conditions for 11 years. Also, this is the only hospital in the country that offers water birth delivery. The International Midwives’ Day, May 5, which is part of the Nursing Week, May 5-12, took place at Hotel “Premier”, with the attendance of midwives and nurses from across the country.
“We, nurses, are not angels, but we are certainly the second most beautiful thing after angels” is the slogan of the Association “For Us”. Therefore, we must fight for all midwives rights, who have the noblest profession in the world, to be the first in the act of bringing a new life to the world. However, the midwives, as well as the other nurses are on the sidelines. Only united together we can emphasize their importance and the place they deserve in the society “, said the president of the association, M.Sc. Gordanka Beshliovska.
She also praised the activities of Hospital “Plodnost” and its importance in all areas of gynecology, obstetrics, IVF procedures and surgery. As a host, Prim. Dr. Tase Trpcevski, who pointed out all the hospital’s efforts and successes in the past 11 years of its existence. He especially emphasized water birth delivery method that is only offered in this hospital in the country, but also stood in support of the nurses, and thus the midwives.
“We are pioneers in providing water birth delivery, so far we can boast of a number of over 100 deliveries with this method. We are also unique in many surgery procedures, but all this will be noted in the upcoming period, because we will introduce livestream operations. Our midwives are with the patients from the moment they arrive, until they leave the hospital with the babies. Through this meeting, I provide my support for all nurses and midwives to exercise their rights.” pointed Dr. Tase Trpcevski.
The chief nurse of Hospital “Plodnost”, Rebeka Aleksovska, and the “For us” association midwife’s coordinator Milica Beslak also addressed the meeting.
As the only hospital in the country where water birth delivery is practiced, two of its nurses had their presentations, Marija Vasilevska, midwife – “Water birth delivery”; and Frosina Talevska, neonatology nurse – “Neonatal aspect of the water birth delivery “.
At the event, the association “For us” gave special thank you plaques to Dr. Tase Trpcevski and the midwives of the Clinical Hospital – Bitola. Plaque was also handed over to Merlinda Drala, chief midwife of the “Plodnost” Hospital’s OB/GYN department, for her commitment in obstetrics advancement and unselfish sharing of her extended experience with all midwife associates in the hospital.
The celebration of May 5, International midwives’ day, was enriched with the performance of students from the State Music School in Bitola, Natalija Nikolovska, on violin, and Aleksej Belevski, on piano. During the event, painter Zivko Popovski-Cvetin painted few paintings, which were given away to the host and the audience at the end.