


Hysteroscopy is a gynaecological procedure that involves using a specialised optical device (hysteroscope) to inspect the uterine cavity under direct visual control. The procedure is performed in a specially equipped operating room with specific instruments by a highly qualified gynaecologist under anaesthesia. Hysteroscopy is typically performed in the first days after the end of the menstrual cycle when the uterine lining is thinnest. No special preparation is required from the patient, and no hospital stay is necessary. However, due to the nature of the procedure, prior planning is required.

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Common indications for hysteroscopy:

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding;
  • Increased thickness of the endometrium;
  • Suspected polyps or fibroid nodules in the uterine cavity;
  • Subfertility or infertility;
  • Anatomical uterine defects (septate uterus, bicornuate uterus, etc.);
  • Adhesions in the uterine cavity after intrauterine procedures (Asherman’s syndrome);
  • Removal of a foreign body from the uterine cavity (IUD, etc.).

Depending on the extent of the intervention, hysteroscopy can be either diagnostic or operative. Diagnostic hysteroscopy involves the examination of the uterine cavity, endometrial lining, and internal openings of the fallopian tubes. If pathology is detected (endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids, adhesions, hyperplasia, bleeding vessels, residual tissue, etc.), operative hysteroscopy is performed. In such cases, specialised instruments are inserted through the working channels of the hysteroscope to remove problematic areas (polypectomy, myomectomy, adhesiolysis) and collect tissue samples for histological examination.

Gynaecology and Obstetrics Doctors

Prim. D-r Tashe Trpchevski

Prim. D-r Tashe Trpchevski

Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub-Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

Medical-Surgical Nurses

Zaneta Veselica-Stefanovska

Zaneta Veselica-Stefanovska

Medical Nurse

Aneta Joshevska-Damchevska

Aneta Joshevska-Damchevska

Head Nurse

Meri Mihevska

Meri Mihevska

Medical Nurse

Sonja Aleksovska

Sonja Aleksovska

Medical Nurse

Maja Miloshevska

Maja Miloshevska

Medical Nurse

Emilija Srbinovska

Emilija Srbinovska

Medical Nurse

Nikolina Risteska

Nikolina Risteska

Medical Nurse

Marija Andonovski

Marija Andonovski

Medical Nurse

Medical Nurses Midwifes

Merlinda Drala

Merlinda Drala

Medical Nurse

Nadica Neshkovski

Nadica Neshkovski

Medical Nurse

Jasmina Bozinovska

Jasmina Bozinovska

Medical Nurse

Aleksandra Dimovska

Aleksandra Dimovska

Medical Nurse

Fiona Kelja

Fiona Kelja

Medical Nurse

Irena Talevska

Irena Talevska

Medical Nurse

Hristina Bumbaroska

Hristina Bumbaroska

Medical Nurse

Martina Karanfilovska

Martina Karanfilovska

Medical Nurse

Dijana Boshevska

Dijana Boshevska

Medical Nurse

Sonja Fuzevska

Sonja Fuzevska

Medical Nurse

Zaneta Vasilevska

Zaneta Vasilevska

Medical Nurse

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PZU Hospital PLODNOST Bitola

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PZU Hospital PLODNOST Bitola

Administration Working Hours
MON – FRI 08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 13:00
Department of Paediatrics

Paediatrics Working Hours
MON – FRI 08:00 – 13:30

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