IVF Story: A journey filled with perseverance and hope

In the realm of reproductive medicine, every in vitro fertilisation (IVF) story is unique. They all begin with hope, and the goal is always the same – to create a family. These stories not only inspire but also demonstrate that with personalised care and support, the dream of parenthood can indeed become a reality.
🌟Every IVF story is unique; it starts with hope, and the aim is always the same – to create a family.
We are sharing 2 new successful IVF stories that show with personalised care and support, the dream of parenthood can become a reality.🌟
Sunday is the day we continue with our success stories of hope and faith, success is possible even when it seems impossible ✨

1️⃣ IVF Story: A Journey Filled with Perseverance and Hope
At 38 years old, after 6.5 years of marriage and numerous challenges, this expectant mother decided to try IVF for the third time, her first at Hospital Plodnost.
With a history of increased DNA fragmentation (27%), her path to motherhood was not easy. Thanks to the MAKS magnetic sorting method, which eliminates damaged sperm, we were able to create the best conditions for fertilization.
❗️It is important to note that this type of method is only used in our hospital.
Perseverance, advanced medical expertise and her strong spirit led to this incredible moment, confirmation of a healthy embryo growing in her womb.

2️⃣ IVF Story: Second chance after failed attempts abroad
At only 28 years old and after 10 years of marriage, this patient had already gone through three unsuccessful in vitro attempts in Germany.
With a diagnosis of severe male factor and multiple disappointments, deciding on a fourth attempt at Plodnost, we performed specialized techniques such as IKSI and IMZI, and incubated the embryos in a Time-Lapse incubator/embryoscope, the only one in the country.
This time, success was on her side, her long-awaited desire is finally growing, living proof that perseverance, expertise and trust in the right team make a difference.
💙 We continue to create hope and new beginnings!
May these stories serve as inspiration for everyone waiting for their moment of happiness. We are here for you every step of the way.
Every story is a testament to the power of technology and human dedication. With the help of our experts and our commitment to every patient, every challenge is turned into an opportunity. For those on the journey to parenthood, remember that every path leads to hope. Let us join together and make your dreams for the future come true.