Contraception is a fundamental method of family planning and plays a key role in women’s reproductive health. It allows for optimal spacing between pregnancies, reduces the number of unintended pregnancies, and improves overall health and well-being. Today, there are various contraceptive methods available, which can be chosen based on individual needs and medical history.
Contraception can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary methods include oral hormonal pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), vaginal rings, injections, skin implants, and barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms. Permanent methods involve surgical procedures like female sterilization (tubal ligation) or male sterilization (vasectomy).
The most commonly used method is hormonal contraception, which is highly effective and available in different forms. This type of contraception contains hormones (oestrogen and progestogen) that prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg. These methods are highly effective when used correctly but may have side effects such as menstrual irregularities, headaches, or nausea.
Apart from hormonal methods, intrauterine devices (IUDs) are another popular choice. They can be either hormonal or non-hormonal (copper IUDs) and provide long-term protection against pregnancy. Barrier contraception, such as condoms, is also essential as it not only prevents unintended pregnancy but also protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
At Hospital Plodnost, all patients have access to comprehensive consultations on choosing a method of contraception in a comfortable environment with highly qualified obstetrician-gynaecologists. Our specialists will help you select the best method suited to your health, needs, and lifestyle.
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