


Fibroids are benign tumours that originate from the smooth muscle of the uterus. They are also known as leiomyomas or myomas. These are mesenchymal tumours that can vary in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres. Many women with fibroids do not experience clinical symptoms, and they are often discovered for the first time during a routine gynaecological examination.

Types of Fibroids

Depending on their location in the uterine wall, fibroids are classified as:

  • Subserosal fibroids – grow on the outer surface of the uterus and can reach large sizes, often without causing symptoms.
  • Intramural fibroids – develop within the muscle layer of the uterine wall, commonly leading to heavy and painful menstrual periods.
  • Submucosal fibroids – grow into the uterine cavity and are typically associated with excessive menstrual bleeding and fertility issues.

Who Is Most Affected?

Fibroids usually develop in women aged between 30 and 50. They are hormone-dependent tumours and are more common in women with obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other hormonal imbalances. Some studies suggest that fibroids are less frequent in women who have given birth.

Fibroid nodules grow at different rates during the reproductive years, particularly during pregnancy. After menopause, they typically stop growing and may even shrink.


What Are the Symptoms of Fibroids?

The most common symptom of fibroids is heavy and painful menstrual periods, which can sometimes lead to anaemia. Less common symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain – usually observed with larger fibroids that undergo necrosis.
  • Frequent urination or constipation – rare but possible if the fibroid presses against the bladder or rectum.
  • Fertility issues – fibroids that deform the uterine cavity may cause difficulties in conception.


How Are Fibroids Diagnosed?

The diagnosis is most often made through:

  • Ultrasound examination (sonography) – enables visualisation of fibroids and their location.
  • Serial ultrasound measurements – necessary for monitoring tumour growth.
  • Hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, or laparotomy – in rare cases, diagnosis is made intraoperatively.


Treatment of Fibroids

Depending on the symptoms and size of the fibroids, treatment options include:

  • Medical therapy – to reduce symptoms and control growth.
  • Surgical removal (myomectomy) – recommended for large fibroids or when conservative treatment is ineffective.


Why Choose Hospital Plodnost?

At Hospital Plodnost, we offer a comprehensive range of tests to assess women’s gynaecological health. Our examinations are performed in a comfortable setting using state-of-the-art medical equipment by highly qualified gynaecologists.

Contact Us for More Information

Book your gynaecological examination at Hospital Plodnost and ensure your health is in the best hands. For more information, call our contact centre at +389 47 208 880.

Gynaecology and Obstetrics Doctors

Prim. D-r Tashe Trpchevski

Prim. D-r Tashe Trpchevski

Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub-Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

Medical-Surgical Nurses

Zaneta Veselica-Stefanovska

Zaneta Veselica-Stefanovska

Medical Nurse

Aneta Joshevska-Damchevska

Aneta Joshevska-Damchevska

Head Nurse

Meri Mihevska

Meri Mihevska

Medical Nurse

Sonja Aleksovska

Sonja Aleksovska

Medical Nurse

Maja Miloshevska

Maja Miloshevska

Medical Nurse

Emilija Srbinovska

Emilija Srbinovska

Medical Nurse

Nikolina Risteska

Nikolina Risteska

Medical Nurse

Marija Andonovski

Marija Andonovski

Medical Nurse

Medical Nurses Midwifes

Merlinda Drala

Merlinda Drala

Medical Nurse

Nadica Neshkovski

Nadica Neshkovski

Medical Nurse

Jasmina Bozinovska

Jasmina Bozinovska

Medical Nurse

Aleksandra Dimovska

Aleksandra Dimovska

Medical Nurse

Fiona Kelja

Fiona Kelja

Medical Nurse

Irena Talevska

Irena Talevska

Medical Nurse

Hristina Bumbaroska

Hristina Bumbaroska

Medical Nurse

Martina Karanfilovska

Martina Karanfilovska

Medical Nurse

Dijana Boshevska

Dijana Boshevska

Medical Nurse

Sonja Fuzevska

Sonja Fuzevska

Medical Nurse

Zaneta Vasilevska

Zaneta Vasilevska

Medical Nurse

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PZU Hospital PLODNOST Bitola

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PZU Hospital PLODNOST Bitola

Administration Working Hours
MON – FRI 08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 13:00
Department of Paediatrics

Paediatrics Working Hours
MON – FRI 08:00 – 13:30

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